In all things


Don’t despair
God is here, and there
both near and far
within the heart
and cradling furthest star
How to discern,
how to learn
how to say
“your will be done”
in all things
near and far;
that is my prayer.
Hymn to the Logos
Divine Word,   uttered in silence
Descending from on high
Cleaving the darkness with light
Finding a resting place
In human form
Divine Word,   shaper of all things
Bringer of life into being
Reasoner with humankind
Healer of  infirmities
Divine Word, known alone
To those who listen
Heard by those who lend an ear
To the Spirit’s voice
Move among us with your power
Move among us with your grace
In this place among all places
be known to us in a thousand faces.
Divine Word, verb of life
Juggler of joy
Creator of harmony
In music and in mind
Stiller of conflict
Herald of peace
Move among us with your grace
Divine Word, made flesh for us
Born for us, alive for us
Reigning from the Cross for us
Known to us by human touch
Seen by human eyes and looked upon
Proclaimed across the generations
Be our guide
Along the paths of life.
Along paths that bring your life to others.
Divine Word,   stooping to wash our feet
Handing us in turn the towel of compassion
Give us a share of your love
For all that you have made
So that beauty may dance in our lives
Give us a care for all your creation;
Move among us with your grace.

About the author

A.J. Amos
A.J. Amos


A.J. Amos By A.J. Amos

A.J. Amos

A.J. Amos

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