Poems of hope

Hope window, Holy Trinity Church, Geneva.

Poems of hope, 2024

Hope is a hollow word
a breath into the void;
does it end with the beginning
of peace?

Sure and certain hope…
My sure and certain hope is not to be reconstituted
bone to bone
and flesh restored;
but to be sustained
by that  great love that never perishes,
to know once again
the ground of my confidence
in God;
to enter the great adventure.

Beyond death lies hope;

Beyond death lies hope;
how can this be ?
Only if the passage to eternity
can liberate me from myself
and set me free;
grace me with wings
I never used before,
from finite to infinity to soar
to hear the blissful music of the spheres
that sweetly breaks upon my dying fears.

Hope is

hope is an anchor
hope is a rope
twisted and strong
hope is a ladder
hope is a hand outstretched
hope is a wayside sign
hope is a child
hope is a pope
hope is a wing and a prayer
hope is a window
open in time
hope is a breath
first and last
hope is a deed
a rebel against fate
hope is a spring
in the desert of the heart
life poured into dust
hope is a seed
it buries itself in the earth
and waits.

Hope the betrayer
On this day of  holocaust remembrance
I think of the hope that betrayed
millions to their death;
the thought that things
could not get worse;
blithe human optimism
of the dawnists.
And yet…
into your hands I commend
my last shreds of hope.

About the author

A.J. Amos
A.J. Amos


A.J. Amos By A.J. Amos

A.J. Amos

A.J. Amos

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