Maran Atha


We live in a comfortable and uncomfortable world;
we know good living,  and yet are of uneasy conscience;
somehow we know that God suffers still among us;
among those who are destitute, fleeing from war.
We know that the voice of the prophets has yet to
find a response;
still the unrighteous take their ease,
and the poor are trodden under foot.
Send out your light,  Lord,  that it may lead us,
to your holy place,  and to your tabernacle;
shine for us,  bright morning star proclaimed
in the last words of our scriptures;
Let everyone who is thirsty come,  says Jesus;
Then,  Lord,  help us to be ready for your coming,
as we hear your words “surely I am coming soon.”
Amen,  come Lord Jesus !

About the author

A.J. Amos
A.J. Amos


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A.J. Amos By A.J. Amos

A.J. Amos

A.J. Amos

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